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Shionogi Pharmaceutical Central Laboratory


November 2nd, 1970


竣工年: 1961年
所在地: 大阪府 大阪市
用途: 研究施設
建築面積: 2,249 m²
延床面積: 18,378 m²
階: 地上7階、地下1階
構造: SRC造


This laboratory was completed in 1961, a year that saw a boom in the construction of central research laboratories.
Among those buildings, this laboratory offers advanced functions that to this day are found nowhere else.
Sustainable architecture is currently an important social theme, but 40 years ago the Shionogi Pharmaceutical Central Laboratory provided a model for sustainable design that allows buildings to be used for many years, such as floor height, design of equipment spaces, and structural design of draft chambers.

year: 1961
location: Osaka, Japan
building type: Research Institute
BA: 2,249 m²
GFA: 18,378 m²
floor: 7F/B1F
structure: SRC

Yoshimura Yukio Photography Office