This is a community development project on a site adjacent to Egota-no-Mori Park. The project includes a variety of residences for families with children, senior citizens, singles, and the elderly; a daycare center; a children’s club; a restaurant open to the community; a childcare support facility; a convenience store; a pharmacy.
As the rich green space of Egota forest has been preserved and expanded, it forms a ring-shaped greenbelt around the perimeter of the town and has been promoted as “The Green Ring”, which is a common property of the community that enriches its users’ environment in the town. Live-in Lab, a common space open to the community, locates at the center of the town and serves as a cafeteria for local residents, a place for event activities, an indoor evacuation site in case of disaster, and also the base for the area management. The project achieved to create a town to be loved for a long time along with the Egota forest, and fosters ties among the people and the town to the people.

Kawasumi – Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office 川澄・小林研二写真事務所 (1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10)
Sakakura Associates 坂倉建築研究所 (4)
プライムメゾン江古田の杜 (江古田の杜プロジェクト)
竣工年:2018年8月 / 所在地:東京都中野区
用途:集合住宅 (子育て世帯向け住宅、サービス付き高齢者向け住宅、単身者向け住宅)、老人ホーム、保育所、学童クラブ、子育て支援施設、店舗、薬局
建築面積: 6,884 m² / 延床面積:41,548 m²
階数:地下1階、地上14階 / 構造:S造一部RC造
* 都市景観大賞2019 都市空間部門 優秀賞 (「都市景観の日」実行委員会 国土交通省 後援)
* 第39回 緑の都市賞 国土交通大臣賞 (都市緑化機構, 国土交通省 環境省 東京都 後援)
* GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2019 – BEST100 / 特別賞 / グッドフォーカス賞 [地域社会デザイン]
* 新建築 2020/02
* 建築ジャーナル 東日本版 2019/08
Prime Maison Egotanomori / Egotanomori Project
year: 2018/8
location: Tokyo, Japan
building type: condominiums (for childcare household, elderlies, and singles) , nursing homes, restaurant, childcare support facility, convenience store, pharmacy
BA: 6,884 m² / GFA: 41,548 m²
floor: B1F, 14F / structure: S+RC
* The Townscape Award 2019 Urban space category:Excellence Award (Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)
* 39th Green City Award 2019 “Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Award” (Organization for Landscape and Urban Green Infrastructure)
* GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2019 – Best 100 / Special Award / Good Focus Award [Design of Community Development]
* KENCHIKU JOURNAL (East Japan Edition) 2019/08
竣工年:2018年8月 / 所在地:东京都中野区
用途:公寓 (面向育儿家庭的住宅,有服务的面向老年人的住宅,面向单身者的住宅),老人院,保育所,托管班,育儿支援设施,商店,药店
建筑面积 :6,884 m² / 总建筑面积 :41,548 m²
规模 :地下1层,地上14层 / 结构 :S造一部分RC造
* 都市景观大奖 2019 都市空间部门优秀奖
* 第39届绿都市奖 国土交通大臣奖
* GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2019 – BEST100奖 / 特别奖 / Good Focus奖 [Design of Community Development]
* 新建筑 2020/02
* 建筑Journal 东日本版 2019/08